About Whippets


Whippets are a medium sized dog from the sighthound group.

They are said to be the poor man’s racing dog.  My own grandfather had a whippet that my mum loved, grandpa would put my mum and the whippet in a wheelbarrow and take them to the local paddocks in Kensingston and train his dog for racing in the lane way out the back of their house.

It is important to understand that whippets like a lot of other breeds are hunting dogs, so first sign of a rabbit or a cat running, and they are off, even if that means crossing a road without looking. So keep them on a lead and only let them off when you feel it is safe to do so, I feel it takes about 3 months for a whippet to truly bond with you and have that, I’m going wherever your going attitude. 

Whippets can at times be aloof, you might throw a ball and they sit there and look at you as if to say nope that’s not happening, you threw it, you go get it.  Others may think it’s wonderful, and chase whatever you throw and sometimes bring it back or say no its mine now.

Like most puppy’s whippet puppies are no different in that if you leave something lying around, I can take it and chew it up. Like shoes, glasses, clothing, their toys, kids toys, newspapers, remote controls, books, homework I think you get the idea I could go on and on. So, if you want it, don’t leave it lying around you will only have yourself to blame.

Once a whippet (usually) reaches the age of about one, they seem to slow down on the destructive phase and become couch potatoes. They sleep A LOT.  They are always ready to jump up and go for a walk if you say so. Like most dogs’ whippets are intelligent so talk to them you will be amazed how much they understand.

They are also extremely sensitive to your vibration or your mood, so if your sad their sad, if your happy they are happy, if your sick they generally worry about you and spend more time with their head on you hoping to comfort you.  Whippets are not suited to aggressive people, they are quiet and affectionate, and are suited to people who are also loving gentle people. I don’t think any dog likes to be with aggressive people, but whippets are very sensitive, and this would really make their lives miserable. So before buying a whippet ask yourself do I yell and scream at everyone a lot, if you answer yes, don’t buy a whippet.

Whippets are inside dogs, they have short coats, and their heart is close to the surface, they do not handle extreme temperatures either way hot or cold. If you’re going out in the winter for a walk, they may need a jacket or at least a t-shirt on and in the hot weather go early in the morning or much later in the day. Having said that they do enjoy being out in the nice sunshine on a day when it’s not too hot or too cold.

Whippets can also dehydrate very quickly so make sure they are drinking enough water, they have a tendency to not drink especially when they are not home.  Whippets can be very happy and comfortable in a crate at night with a comfy mattress and warm blankets to snuggle and disappear into.

Whippets can have problems with aesthetics, so it is important to have a vet that has worked with whippets in the past and understands their sensitive bodies.

Desexing a female should be 3 months after her first season, and for a male 18 months.

Desexing early means their growth plates will stay open longer than they should, and the bones stretch and cause problems with aches and pains, it also affects their hormones.

One of the biggest problems whips have is, separation anxiety, so if you work long hours and can’t be with your pup you may need a pup sitter like your parents or a neighbour you can trust who can take good care of your dog while your away for extended periods, otherwise you might have to rethink about getting a whippet.

Majority of whips like cats and they can be good friends, but on the occasion, there are some that just want to chase and their prey drive can be strong.

One thing I have noticed about many owners of whippet pets, is that not many people attempt to trim nails, this can be a serious problem in whippets, when they get too long their feet flatten out and its quite painful. Vets are often expensive and vets are not dog groomers they actually don’t like doing them. Learn to do it yourself, you will save heaps in the end and not put your dog through all that stress. Vets also have a bad habit of cutting them too short and making them bleed which is also very painful. My dog’s nails are trimmed every week, that way it literally only takes a few minutes. I use a Dremel, its quick and pain free, you don’t have to worry about cutting too short and making nails bleed. This is a Dremel I recommend for pet owners. https://www.petsuppliesaustralia.com.au/

Cleaning your dogs teeth is important to remove plaque, this stuff builds up very quickly and its really expensive to go to the vet to have it removed, not to mention it means an aesthetic, which should be avoided if possible, brushing is not enough.

Fortunately there is some great tools for cleaning your dogs teeth and once they get used to it they will always have beautiful pearly whites.

Ni-SHEN Plaque Remover for Teeth - Pet Ultrasonic Toothbrush Cleaner - Teeth Cleaning Kit for Tartar and Stains - Suitable for Dogs and Cats.

There are some that are more expensive, but I think this one is good its reasonably priced and has a high rating. You can purchase this from Amazon for $59.99     


This is a video I love she really explains whippets very well, and she is quite funny.

Contact Details

Michelle Williams
Charlton, VIC, Australia
Phone : +61430227595
Email : [email protected]